Sign up and share this manifesto to help power the shift
Three things are clear:
There is a strong appetite to convert intentions into action
To find the flexibility needed to shift what we’re designing, we first need to address how we design
There is strength in numbers; working together we have a better start at realising change
With this in mind, we’ve drafted The Experience Shift Manifesto to call out changes that are accessible to anyone practicing in the sector.
What we can all do
Use this Manifesto as a tool to help power the shift across experience design. Use it to frame the conversations you want to have with your clients and budget holders, within your teams and communities. Apply these considerations to your collaborations, pitches and briefings to help action the evolution that’s needed
Sign up to show commitment and then share the Manifesto to help realise a richer future for experience design; a new way of working that reflects a changing world.
What the team at The Experience Shift will do
Every signature registers an intention to expand the conversation and take action. Honouring the commitments pledged, the team will be using the Manifesto as a tool to start conversations at International design platforms and events, with media houses, with institutions and brands. We’re committing to realising the experience shift from every approach.
Share and show support on social media
It would be fantastic if you can share and show support on social media. You're welcome to use the suggested copy below or to craft something yourself. The images provided are tailored for social platforms but of course feel free to create your own. Please feature #TheExperienceShift to help us keep track. Thank you!
“I signed up to #TheExperienceShift manifesto to help realise a richer future for experience design; a new way of working that reflects a changing world”
"To anyone who works in creating, designing and hosting immersive experiences: #TheExperienceShift captures our opportunities and challenges. Join me in signing the manifesto to power the shift."